Adventure Christian Church

Covid-19 Update

October 28, 2020

Dear Adventure,

The Leadership was blessed to resume in-person worship gatherings on Sunday, June 7! Praise God!


Like many churches in our community and nation our approach to reopening has been a phased approach. You will find three sections below that will explain what you can expect each Sunday, what we are doing, and what we ask you to do.

What You Can Expect

  • Two worship services: 8:45AM, 11:00AM
    • No greeting time in the service
  • Children’s Services
    • In September we unveiled “Adventure Kids,” our newly renovated Children’s Ministry! 
    • New, technologically advanced, dedicated space for Adventure Kids
    • Conveniently located off the gymnasium
  • Bible Fellowship between services: 10:00AM
    • Forty-five minute Bible Study

 What We Are Doing

  • We have changed seating arrangements in the auditorium to allow for space between parties
  • We have eliminated the passing of communion and offering plates. We use pre-packaged communion cups with bread you can pick up from a table in the back of the auditorium as you arrive. Giving can be placed in the wooden lock-boxes at the back of the auditorium or may be done online.
  • We offer complimentary masks and hand sanitizer
  • We eliminate unnecessary physical contact between individuals
  • We keep as many doors open as possible to minimize touching of handles

What We Ask of You

  • Please stay home if you have any symptoms
  • If you prefer, please wear a mask or face covering, although it is not required
  • If you have hand sanitizer, please bring it and use it
  • We recommend sitting with people in your household, honoring social distancing guidelines with non-family
  • Keep three empty seats between parties

I know that sounds like a lot to digest. It’s a lot of change. In all of this, the leadership asks one more big thing from all of our church family and visitors: Please show grace to the staff and leadership. Please show understanding to others around you knowing each person in worship may take different precautions than you might. Please show patience as we phase in different elements of programming.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to God and His Church. We can’t wait to see you!

In Christ,

Sam Pepper

Senior Pastor


Below are step-by-step directions on how to give online. It’s free, easy, and takes about two minutes. We have also posted a how-to video on our Facebook page.

Step 1: Go to our website,
Step 2: Click the “Online Giving” tab at the top of the page
Step 3: Click “Donate”
Step 4: Choose “General Fund”, choose an amount, choose how to give (credit card or banking info), and provide the payment information
Step 5: Click “Give” at the bottom of the page
Step 6: You will receive your giving receipt in your email inbox