What is there to know about....

CompassLife Church

Who are the people at CompassLife...

  • We are imperfect people trying to follow a perfect God.
  • We are committed to living out the words of Jesus as found in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
  • We are a church that welcomes people of all ages and backgrounds to join us as we study God’s Word and do our best to live it out.
  • We are a church that believes in missions – spreading the Good News of Jesus to our community and beyond.
  • We are a generous church – following the generosity of our Creator who gave us everything.
  • We are a multi-generational church – believing the Gospel is for the young and old. We are all a part of the same fellowship.
  • We are committed to growing – both numerically as we reach others and in depth as our faith matures.
  • We are a non-denominational church not tied to any other church or denomination.
  • Our church comes from the Restoration Movement which sought a return to following the Bible, rather than a creed, tradition, or denomination.

What are our Beliefs...

  • We believe in God. He is our Creator. He is our Father, came as the Son and lives in believers as the Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1; Acts 2:32-35; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 4:6)
  • We believe in Jesus, God’s Son. He came to earth and lived a sinless life for the purpose of being crucified for our sins. We believe he rose from the dead and reigns in Heaven. (Luke 1:26-28; John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 15:1-9)
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit. He comforts us, guides us, and lives within every believer. (Acts 2:38; Ephesians 1:13-14)
  • We believe prayer is powerful and our most effective way to communicate with God. (1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16)
  • We believe we are sinners and imperfect people in need of a perfect Savior. (Romans 3:23)
  • We believe salvation is a gift from God. It’s given to us by His good grace, not by our doing. All we have to do is accept this gift. God tells us through His Word how to do this. Believe in Jesus Christ. Confess He is Lord. Repent of our sin. Be immersed. Devote our lives to Him. (Acts 2:38-41; Acts 22:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Colossians 2:6)
  • We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)
  • We believe followers of Jesus are meant to be a part of a greater body and family: the Church. The Church is when God’s followers meet together for their common purpose (Acts 2:42; Romans 12:4-5; Galations 3:27-28)

What to Expect When you Come to Visit CompassLife...

Sunday Services:
9:00 a.m. Bible Fellowship Class
10:00 a.m. Worship Service

Five ways we worship on Sundays: Music, Prayer, God’s Word, Communion, and giving.

Prayer is our way to communicate directly to God. Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer”. 

God’s Word
In our worship gatherings we use God’s Word throughout. We study God’s Word through sermon teaching, in communion meditations, and at other times.
We encourage Bible Study with smaller groups of other believers outside of worship gatherings. 

Each week we take the Lord’s Supper the same way Jesus told his disciples to – with a piece of bread and a cup. These represent Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins. This is a time of reflection, meditation and prayer.

God gave us everything. He calls us to generosity. In addition to our twenty-acre campus, which supports our Learning Center (birth – VPK) along with our main church facility, our church supports eleven different missionaries and mission organizations – local, national, and international. We invite our members to partner with us in this.